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Presbyterian Historical Society

The Presbyterian Historical Society offers an intimate, friendly atmosphere for conducting research that is a bit more laid back than other larger locations. The staff is very friendly and willing to help. If you've never visited archives before, the personal attention makes this a great place to start - there is less pressure to know all the ropes, and you're sure to receive helpful, personal attention while research your project.

However, don't let the smaller size and friendly atmosphere fool you. In my personal opinion, PHS has one of the best collections available in Philadelphia for conducting primary document research on East Asia. They have hundreds, if not thousands, of relevant records readily available.

Why Visit PHS?

Unsurprisingly, the Society's main strength is missionary records. But this doesn't mean that the collection's scope is limited. Even if you're not interested in missionaries per sae, they ran hospitals, taught at schools, and visited small towns that no other westerners were interested in. Thus, their observations give unique insight into cultural trends and political tensions of the time, as well as allowing a detailed look at religion and perceptions of East Asia at the turn of the century.

Just as a note of interest, PHS houses a number of original letters written by Pearl S. Buck, author of the famous book The Good Earth.

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